Is It Expensive To Be Eco Friendly?

The environment – a hot topic for the past few years. With global warming, extreme weather conditions and concerns about the future, you can see why. We are often encouraged to take a more eco-friendly approach to the way we live. Cycle instead of drive, use Hydro Solar energy instead of fossil fuels and stop using so much chuffing plastic!

But I’m sure we are all aware the nothing in life is free. Though the majority of people want to do the right thing, is it finally possible for your average joe? Let’s take a look.

Cleaning & Beauty Products

Products like Ecover and Method offer an alternative to your standard household brands. You can also get eco-friendly toiletries. Most cleaning products contain chemicals that can pollute our environment by evaporating, and entering water supplies causing them to be eaten by sea life which is then eaten by us.

Although CFCs aerosol products are now banned, most aerosols still contain chemicals that are damaging to the environment. Microbeads found in some abrasive cleaning products are basically tiny bits of plastic that end up in the seas and let’s not get started on one-use wipes.

I love Mrs Hinch, I really do, she’s funny and a sweetie but I hope one day she stops using anti-bacterial wipes, stops spraying air freshener so much before going to bed and starts promoting more eco-friendly products!

The product is with these eco-friendly alternatives is that they’re expensive.


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