5 Easy Ways For An Eco-Friendly Christmas

5 Easy Ways For An Eco-Friendly Christmas

Charlotte Davies

A time of celebration and joy, the festive season is also a time of reflection - and an opportunity to make mindful decisions in preparation for the new year! Embracing sustainability during the Christmas season can be greatly rewarding. Here are 5 easy tips to help lead a more eco-friendly Christmas, ensuring your festivities leave a positive impact on the environment!

1. Eco-Friendly Wrapping:

Rethink your approach to gift wrapping by creatively using sustainable materials. Choose recycled wrapping paper, or get creative and wrap gifts in reusable fabric, scarves, or anything else that may be suitable! Not only does this reduce waste, but it also adds a unique and personalised touch to your gifts. See here for our top selections!

2. Sustainable Decorations:

Ditch the throwaway decorations this season, while opting for LED lights which are more energy-efficient. Consider investing in timeless, durable decorations that can be used for years to come; or for an even more eco-friendly touch, create your own decorations with friends or family from recycled materials. Top tip - gather natural elements like pinecones and branches on your next dog walk or winter stroll for an authentic and cosy Christmas feel.

3. Mindful Gift Giving:

Instead of opting for mass-produced and often wasteful gifts, consider the more thoughtful gift this Christmas and explore sustainable alternatives. Gifting is at the heart of Etikora, with many of our products carefully selected for their sustainable value while being the perfect present for a loved one! Explore handmade options, or tailored gift baskets. These not only carry a personal touch, but also have a lower environmental impact while directly benefiting a conscious business this Christmas season. Explore here to treat yourself and others! 

4. Conscious Food Choices:

The holiday season is synonymous with feasting, but you can make your meals more sustainable by choosing locally sourced and organic ingredients. Plan your meals wisely to minimise food waste while saving yourself the Christmas rush. Instead, be prepared ahead of time the eco-friendly way!


5. Mindful Consumption:

Boxing day sales… while the allure of holiday sales and discounts can lead to overconsumption, before making purchases, ask yourself if the item is truly necessary or if it will bring long-term joy. Consider supporting local businesses and artisans and be mindful of the environmental impact of the products you choose.

Unwrap the ‘gift of sustainability’ by following these 5 easy festive suggestions! By making conscious choices, we can celebrate the season joyfully while minimizing our impact on the environment. From mindful gift-giving to sustainable decorations, each decision contributes to a greener and more responsible holiday celebration.

Etikora works towards supporting independent businesses and artisans all year round. When purchasing with Etikora, have confidence you’ll be helping individuals and communities that greatly benefit and appreciate your support.

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